About the Book
This is the story of Neon, a young chameleon who is an English Language Learner (ELL). Through his school day, Neon describes the most common challenges ELLs face when entering mainstream classrooms for the first time. Neon’s internal dialog about the challenges he experiences and how he feels about them becomes the central plot for the story. Neon the Chameleon is learning English at school is a children’s book with a message for adults!
Why do teachers need this book?
Educators know that teaching ELLs is an art that requires dedication, education, connection, and support. The challenges are multiple, and this book will help teachers understand how to adapt instruction to better support the English Language Learner’s emotional and academic needs.
ELLs experience many emotions when learning English for the first time at school. Children manifest these emotions in different ways. Often, some of these behaviors are misunderstood and taken the wrong way. The author hopes that Neon’s story will help others to understand the inner world of an English Language Learner.
What about representation?
Historically, literature about minorities has been underrepresented. Seeing a character in a book that shares similar experiences feeds the ELLs’ urge to feel seen, heard, and represented. Seeing a character like Neon the Chameleon that acts and experiences life like them helps young ELLs feel affirmed. As ELLs are building their identities and sense of self, representation sends the message that they are important and that they belong.

Can other children benefit from this story?
Absolutely. If we want to teach empathy to young children, they need to be exposed to literature that talks about other groups in uplifting ways. When young children listen to different perspectives and ways of living, they learn how to interact and to live harmoniously around others.lk
How should teachers and parents use this book?
This book is a collection of specific situations ELLs often experience when they are learning a second language for the first time at school. Each page describes the joy, the hard work, and sometimes the frustration involved with second language acquisition. At the end of the book, each situation has a brief explanation and classroom recommendations.